
PR Video


Dongkuk Steel video

A company built by people of steel,
Dongkuk Steel.

Starting with the production of small nails in 1954
Dongkuk Steel, the first private steel manufacturer in Korea,
has gained prominence as one of the world�s leading steel manufacturers.

Thanks to technological prowess and unrelenting enthusiasm,
Dongkuk Steel has turned the hopes of the future into innovations of today.

Its title changed from �Korea�s first� to �World�s best,�
and what seemed impossible was proven possible by its indomitable spirit and creative wisdom.

Building on the synergies unleashed by its diverse subsidiaries,
Dongkuk Steel plans to become an integrated steelmaker.

From global integrated shipping logistics company Intergis,
Integrated electronic parts producer DK UIL,
IT solution provider DK UNC,
To integrated property management company Ferrum Infra,
We are proud to have them as our subsidiaries.

Armed with technological prowess, state-of-the-art facilities and systems,
Dongkuk Steel provides the best-in-class steel products to its domestic and international clients.

With its global reach spanning from the US, Mexico, Japan, China, India, Brazil and to Thailand, Dongkuk Steel is emerging as a global household name.

Pohang Works, which ushered in the phase two of Dongkuk Steel,
produces a broad range of top-notch sections and reinforcing bars
through continued facility upgrades and technology innovation.

The R&D Center seeks to sharpen the global competitiveness of Dongkuk Steel
by developing innovative and path-breaking products and technologies.

Incheon Works is an eco-friendly steel mill responsible for production of reinforcing bars. It introduced the Eco-Arc electric furnace for the first time in Korea and set the world record in steelmaking capacity.

Dangjin Works produces 1.5 million tons of steel plates a year.
With all of its production lines under tight control of a leading-edge system,
The plant leads the steel plate market with its sophisticated offerings that set themselves apart from others.

Busan Works has the world�s largest pre-painted steel production facility,
responsible for premium pre-painted steel brands, namely Luxteel and Appsteel.

Shinpyung Works, which mirrors the history and the pride of Dongkuk Steel, manufactures small-and medium-sized sections of all types to cater to the varying needs of customers.

Dongkuk Steel makes 3.6 million tons of molten steel a year in Incheon and Pohang Works.
Its milestone achievements range from the introduction of electric furnaces in steelmaking process for the first time in Korea, to environment-friendly Eco-Arc electric furnace, which is designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

We also produce high-strength reinforcing bars of varying specifications and ultra-high-strength reinforcing bars for construction of high-rise buildings
and have successfully established Korean Industrial Standard specifications for earthquake-resistant reinforcing bars for the first time in Korea.

We produce a wide array of sections, such as H-beams, angles, channels, flat bars, and profiles.
Having exceeded 10 million tons in cumulative production volume of H-beams,
we have strengthened the foundation for mass production of Sections in new varieties and specifications.

Dongkuk Steel is equipped with high-tech production facilities including Mulpic and heat treatment furnace, which enable the production of not only general steel plates but also high-class plates such as high-strength plates, TMCP steels, heat treated steels and offshore steel plates.

Cold rolled steels are made with exceptional technologies and in strict compliance with procedures.
Boasting excellent flatness and press formability, they are used as a base material for various purposes.

Dongkuk Steel produces electrolytic galvanized steel, hot-dip galvanized steel and galvalume steel for interior and exterior construction materials, car components and home appliances.

Being the world�s first steelmaker to launch a Pre-painted steel brand, Dongkuk Steel leads the global market with its Luxteel and Appsteel brands.

Luxteel is designed for interior and exterior construction materials,
while Appsteel, designated as �World-Class Product� by the Korean government, is used for home appliances.

Starting with the Brazil-based CSP, a three-million-ton blast furnace steel mill,
Dongkuk Steel aims to be a leading global integrated steelmaker.

Tapping the �Steel Belt� that connects Korea and Brazil, we seek to expand our footprint to Latin America, North America and even Europe, and build
on the strengths of local subsidiaries and cutting-edge production lines, to step forward as the company of steel with a robust global presence.

In Dongkuk Steel,
We know that advancing ourselves through technology
is the very start of innovations that will turn our dreams into reality.

We believe that our commitment, which is as strong as steel,
will write a new chapter of human-oriented technologies.

World Steel Developer,
Dongkuk Steel.
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World Steel Developer,















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World Steel Developer?





















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A Dongkuk Steel possui alta tecnologia e est� criando um novo valor para o a�o.

Primeira Empresa Sider�rgica Privada
1963 - Primeira constru��o privada para produ��o em larga escala.
1971 - Primeira Produ��o de Chapa de A�o no Pa�s.

A Dongkuk Steel lidera a produ��o de chapa grossa de a�o,
sendo a primeira empresa sider�rgica privada da Coreia.

Primeira Introdu��o do Forno de Arco El�trico
1993 -Primeira Introdu��o do Forno de Arco El�trico com Corrente Cont�nua
1994 - Primeiro Manifesto de N�o-Greve no Pa�s

A Dongkuk Steel possui avan�ada tecnologia mundial para produ��o de a�o e alcan�ou
crescimento r�pido introduzindo o primeiro forno el�trico a arco de corrente cont�nua no pa�s.

- Empresa Sider�rgica Mundial
2004 - Manifesto da Vis�o de Mudan�a & Crescimento no Anivers�rio de 50 Anos da Empresa
2009 - Constru��o da F�brica da Chapa de A�o em Dangjin
2010 - Constru��o do FERRUM TOWER (Novo Edif�cio da Sede)
2012 In�cio da constru��o da CSP no Brasil

Produzir� placas de a�o com a constru��o da CSP-Companhia Sider�rgica do Pec�m no estado do Cear� � Brasil.
Come�ar� um desafio novo com FERRUM TOWER.

A Dongkuk Steel tem capacidade de produ��o de 8 milh�es de toneladas de a�o anuais, de chapas, barras, perfis de a�o, etc.
nas 4 plantas nas cidades de: Pohang, Incheon, Dangjin e Busan.
Est� aumentando sua competitividade global com o estabelecimento de empresas nos Estados Unidos, Jap�o, China, Brasil e Dubai.

A Dongkuk Steel produz 3.6 milh�es de toneladas anuais de tarugos,
barras e vergalh�o no forno de arco el�trico tipo vaso duplo, o primeiro instalado no pa�s.
Especialmente em 2011, introduzir� novo padr�o com a implanta��o de equipamentos anti-polui��o de alta tecnologia.

O principal produto da Dongkuk Steel � chapa grossa de a�o,
produzida com a utiliza��o do sistema de alta tecnologia, work roll shift, que proporciona o mais alto n�vel de qualidade, precis�o e de planicidade.
Tamb�m est� liderando o aumento do mercado produzindo produtos de placas de a�o com alto valor agregado, placas de a�o TMCP de alta intensidade para constru��o naval e placas para estruturas mar�timas.

Utilizando equipamentos de PLCTM, que possibilita a lamina��o cont�nua, e o sistema de congelamento r�pido QTB �nicos no pa�s,
a Dongkuk Steel assegura a mais alta qualidade e produtividade, com redu��o de custo, aumento da competitividade e da taxa de retorno dos seus produtos.

A Dongkuk Steel produz v�rios tipos de a�o, tais como, perfis, barras, tarugos e blocos.

Instituto Central de Tecnologia � o n�cleo da competitividade da Dongkuk Steel.
Atrav�s de um m�todo intensivo de coletas de informa��es e conhecimento da ind�stria de a�o do mundo inteiro e tamb�m, atrav�s do desenvolvimento de tecnologias de fabrica��o de a�o de alto valor agregado a empresa est� criando novos valores para clientes.

A Dongkuk Steel atua permanentemente na preserva��o do meio ambiente do nosso planeta.
Est� comprometida com a redu��o da emiss�o do g�s de estufa, atrav�s de v�rias iniciativas de racionaliza��o de utiliza��o de energia e do uso de energia limpa.
A empresa atua com responsabilidade social, ambiental e econ�mica de forma compartilhada e volunt�ria.
A Dongkuk Steel se relaciona cordialmente com a sociedade objetivando a constru��o de um futuro melhor.

Aumentar� sua participa��o na Ind�stria Sider�rgica Mundial com a produ��o de chapas de a�os no Brasil e Coreia.
O constante desafio da Dongkuk Steel � manter-se como uma empresa sider�rgica tecnicamente competitiva no cen�rio mundial, utilizando os equipamentos da mais alta tecnologia.

Dongkuk Steel forte na tecnologia
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